The State of Work Getting to alignment 2424 Three or four meetings 80% per day is the alignment sweet spot More meetings improve 76% alignment—to a point 75% Meetings have weathered a Management reputational blow in recent Non-Management years, but the value of in-per- son (or on-camera) syncs 68% prevails. Aligned workers have more meetings than unaligned 65% 66% workers across the board— in comparison, unaligned workers are twice as likely as 62% aligned workers to have no daily meetings. % o f a l Logic would suggest that i g more meetings lead to more n e alignment. But filling workers’ d w calendars isn’t necessarily the o r answer. The sweet spot seems k e to fall at three or four meetings r per day. After four meetings, s alignment dips for non-manag- 49% ers and managers alike. 0 meetings 1–2 meetings 3–4 meetings 5+ meetings per day per day per day per day typical number of meetings per day © SLACK TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 2019
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