The State of Work The future of work is now 12 Management and culture TOP MANAGEMENT AND developing a positive culture, What can be done to improve Workers who challenges in the workplace CULTURE CHALLENGES boosting morale, and retain- collaboration? For starters, understand the GLOBALLY ing and aligning people is a a clear understanding of the company strategy are So what are organizations global concern. company strategy correlates more likely to rate their up against in the drive to closely with positive scores companies highly for align, upskill and empower for collaboration. Workers their people? For starters, Building a good The state of collaboration who understand their com- collaboration. workplace culture is a chief culture/working pany’s strategy are twice as concern for knowledge 1 environment Overall, knowledge work- likely to indicate that collab- RATES COLLABORATION workers worldwide; it was ers feel positive about the oration at their companies is “GOOD” OR “EXCELLENT” the most frequently cited state of collaboration at their “good” or “excellent.” “management and culture” workplaces, with two-thirds challenge globally and topped Morale/ of respondents reporting Zahidi says setting objectives the country-specific list for retaining staff that collaboration is “good” and communicating them France and India. 2 or “excellent.” Only 7% rated frequently is critical for col- 75% their companies as “poor” laboration. “It’s very hard to Company morale is another or “very poor.” But that 7% set these medium- to long- key challenge, particularly when extrapolated across term objectives around which in Australia, Singapore, Vision/leadership all knowledge workers in people can coalesce in a Understands Spain, the U.K. and the U.S. within the the 10 surveyed countries constantly shifting business company strategy Japanese workers were most 3company amounts to an estimated environment,” she says. “But concerned about building 25.6 million people. it’s through the creation of alignment between teams, those very, very clear objec- whereas those in Germany Again, the divide between tives that you get the right kind cited bureaucracy as the Alignment aligned and unaligned workers of collaboration incentives.” 37% No. 1 challenge. between teams stood out. Unaligned work- at the company ers were nearly nine times While each country has 4 as likely to rate collaboration its own set of nuanced at their companies as “poor” Doesn’t understand challenges, it’s clear that or “very poor.” company strategy © SLACK TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 2019

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