The State of Work Looking ahead 3344 ortunately, alignment is The Invest in strategy are more likely to company as open to not a finite resource. It’s alignment now rate their company positively new ideas and believe that Fa competitive advantage 1 across a wide range of met- teams are working toward available to every worker and Engagement The majority of knowl- rics, including collaboration, a shared vision. every company, everywhere. edge workers want to feel employee morale and work- Eight more aligned. And leaders place culture. By setting a Allow people What people want—and who prioritize that stand to North Star for workers to fol- to be more need—is to feel part of the gain clear benefits: Aligned low, leaders empower their 4human at work bigger plan. To be kept in the workers are more collabora- teams to make decisions, and loop. To have the support and 8 tive, innovative, empowered act and innovate in the best While organizational alignment understanding they need to and filled with optimistic pur- interest of the business. can help workers connect with achieve their best work. Even pose about their company’s their colleagues and compa- aligned workers agree that future. An aligned workforce Communicate ny, Susan David, a Harvard they want more alignment. Data is wonderful, but how nets out positively for both your strategy Medical School psychologist And workers everywhere can you translate that into workers and the companies 3monthly and the author of Emotional want more transparency, fre- that support them. Agility, emphasizes the impor- quent communication and a action within your team or A bold vision and detailed tance of individual alignment. clear understanding of who’s your company? Here are the Lead with strategic plan aren’t effective That is, when employees feel doing what. strategy if they’re not known. When a sense of clarity and connec- Engagement Eight, or eight 2and vision it comes to communicating tion between their values and Companies acting now, with principles we feel all leaders, strategy, monthly is the ideal day-to-day work. That clarity people in mind, can reshape Without insight into their cadence, but even incremental of purpose can ladder up to their trajectories toward from executives to managers, company’s strategic vision, increases in frequency organization-wide benefits. more innovation, happier can leverage to provide people struggle. Unaligned can improve workers’ “When people are allowed and more engaged work- workers are the most likely to understanding. Beyond to bring their emotional truth ers, and ultimately more their teams with the support have never heard their com- alignment, there are other to work,” David says, “that growth and revenue. needed to achieve the best pany discuss strategic goals. benefits to communicating is when innovation, creativi- Conversely, workers who strategy monthly: Workers ty, engagement and culture possible outcomes. understand their company’s are more likely to see their thrive in the organization.” © SLACK TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 2019
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