The State of Work The alignment paradox 29 he benefits of an aligned workforce Aligned workers are 81% 73% Tare readily apparent. of aligned workers expect the number of Companies want and need using more apps than report using more apps they need to use workers who are connected, apps than they did to increase further collaborative and optimis- five years ago tic about their company’s ever before future. But in today’s fast- paced, high-pressure world of work, the immediate impulse is often to double down on alignment by scheduling more meetings, introducing more tools and encouraging more Most aligned workers 30 min. 130 hrs. communication. 64% report spending Over the course of The catch is that aligned lose 130 hours each 30 minutes or more an average working workers are already inun- switching between year (260 days), this dated. Aligned employees are year switching apps each day amounts to 130 hours the most likely to have 10 or of lost productive time more meetings a day and the most likely to send or receive between apps hourly emails, messages and 51% phone calls. Additionally, 64% of aligned workers report that switching report spending 30 minutes between apps “makes or more switching between it harder for me to get apps each day. essential work done” © SLACK TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 2019
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